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       CENTRE OF PRESSURE When an aircraft is in flight it experiences several loads across its structure which is defined as pressure distribution in technical terms. The pressure varies across the fuselage and the wing structure and it is impossible to analyse it. Hence the overall pressure distribution is represented by a single aerodynamic force called  center  of pressure or total reaction force which lies on the chord line of the aerofoil. The  center  of pressure moves along the chord line when the angle of attack is altered. At normal cruising speeds and low positive angles of attack the  center  of pressure is positioned on the chord line near the  center  of an aerofoil. With increasing angles of attack the  center  of pressure moves forward towards the leading edge and the magnitude of the total reaction force increases. When the aircraft reaches the stalling angle of attack the magnitude of the total reaction force reduces and the angle of attack moves towards the


                       Air foil Terminology What is an airfoil? How an air foil is described in modern science, what are the parameters that determines its shape? An Air foil is primary building block of an aircraft which has two edges namely leading edge and trailing edge, the straight line connecting the leading and trailing edge of the air foil is called as chord line. The line which is drawn equidistant from the upper and lower surfaces of the air foil and connecting the leading and trailing edge is called as mean camber line.The distance between the leading and trailing edge is called chord of an air foil.   The maximum distance between the mean camber line and chord line is referred as maximum camber. This is one of the variables that determine the aerodynamic characteristics of the wings. Maximum thickness to chord ratio is expressed in terms of percentage. For subsonic wings the ratio is normally 12-14%   Depending on the camber (curvature) of the air foil it is d

Wing Components

                   Wing  components Wing is the main source of lift and stability of an aircraft in flight. Our doubt is how this structure controls the motion of the aircraft? These are the scientific facts behind that; first of all an aircraft wing resembles an air foil which creates lift when it is in moving air. Normally the wing is constructed with many components and they have their own characteristics. They are Spars Ribs Stringers or Longerons Skin Spars are the main structural members that bear the loads acting on the wing; they are extended from fuselage and are in right angles to the fuselage. Ribs provide shape and rigidity to wing, which resemble the shape of an air foil. They are arranges in chord wise manner from wing root to wing tip. Stringers or longerons are thin long materials usually fastened with the skin of the wing. The primary function of the stringers is to transfer the aerodynamic bending loads to the ribs and spars. Ski


HOW DOES AN AIRCRAFT FLY??? The question arises in our mind from our childhood days. We have seen aircraft flying in the sky and many of us have experienced the flight, but still we have the doubt that how does the aircraft flies? Here is the answer for the question. An aircraft flies in the air due to the forces (air) acting on it. The aircraft’s body and structure is designed in a manner to produce a difference in pressure which creates lift. So what is there in the design of aircraft? Why other objects can’t fly in the air? What is the science behind the flight of the aircraft? Many people would not have noticed the shape of the aircraft. The truth lies behind the aircraft’s shape. The body, wing, tail and other components are designed in a way to accelerate the moving air, which does not create any disturbance to the aircraft in motion. When the aircraft flies the air passes smoothly over the surface of the aircraft. Most of the aircraft

The Little Aircraft

                        Albatross Albatross are Pacific Ocean seabirds of biological family Diomedeidae and they weigh up to 10kgs. They are highly efficient in flying because of their aerodynamic techniques such as dynamic soaring and slope soaring. They travel from one country to another country during climate change. They travel from southern to northern hemisphere in clockwise direction and in reverse as in anti clockwise direction. They belong to Carnivores clan of species. They are the largest among the flying birds and the procellaniformes. When discovering the structure of this bird it resembles an aircraft with high aspect ratio wings. These high aspect ratio wings are suitable for long flight distances. Albatross lives in North and South Pacific Ocean. Discovery of albatross Albatross has a long, strong and sharp edged bill. The bill is composed of several horny plates and two long tubes called nostrils that give order for its name. Its nostrils allow them